The principles:

  • Making Space – Connecting your breathe and your body. Using the breathe to create space in your body and mind. Big inhales to lift, fill and expand, long easy exhales to soften and let go of tension.
  • Feel – Noticing the sensations in your body as you breathe and move. Connecting to you. Using the breathe as a spotlight, if you notice some tension, see if you can breathe into it. Noticing how your body responds.
  • Flow – Finding natural movement. Move easy, every part part of you in every direction you can move.  Many good things happen when bringing the focus to your own experience, on how you feel, on finding YOUR YOGA.

When people come to Strala, we guide  frame-by-frame through simple and challenging movements alike with ease. We guide a process of soft, natural movement that is designed for anyone, any age, any body, any  background to move through and progress with ease. This leads to an amazing effect of everyone looking exactly like who they are, instead of everyone trying to put their bodies into a yoga pose.

Please bring with you a yoga mat, water, a blanket and a battery candle if you have one.

Always consult your doctor first, and stop if you experience pain.